What to look for when searching for a personal trainer
If you are looking to accomplish those fitness goals that have been alluding you for years or are just joining a gym and have very little clue as to what exercises to do, then a personal trainer could be your best and safest choice. A personal trainer can help take you to a level of fitness that you previously thought wasn’t possible. He or she can also teach you how to create a new lifestyle and maintain those healthy habits.
However, just picking any personal trainer is not a smart choice. You must put some time and effort into searching for the best trainer for you. The following is a list of criteria that you should look for when searching for a personal trainer:
Check to see if the trainer is certified through a reputable agency like ACSM, NASM or ACE. Additionally, check to see if the trainer has any other certifications or continuing education units. A trainer with multiple certifications is a sign of someone dedicated to their career and working with others.
Look for a trainer who has a few years on the job, especially working in a gym. Experience is a huge factor because it shows commitment by the trainer, a body of work to examine and it helps to show what kind of reputation the trainer has.
If a trainer has been working at your gym for a few years, then ask around. Talk to some of his or her current and former clients. Ask other gym employees about the trainer.
Watch that trainer as he or she trains other clients to gauge how dedicated the trainer is. If the trainer is looking around, talking to other people or just showing a lack of interest in the client, then keep looking for another trainer.
Walks The Walk
Choose a trainer that actually “walks the walk.” This means, if a trainer is boasting about episodes of binge drinking or smoking in front of the gym, then you should look elsewhere. You want a trainer that actually lives a healthy lifestyle and doesn’t just provide lip service.
Free consultations are a great way to interact with a trainer. This is your big chance to talk to a trainer, ask your questions and gauge whether or not there’s a comfort level with this trainer. Additionally, you can also gauge how dedicated a trainer is. If he or she is just trying to sell the biggest training package to you, and treats you like another number, then keep looking elsewhere. Pick a trainer that makes you feel like the most important person in the gym.
During a consultation, you can also gauge how clearly a trainer communicates information to you. A trainer should have patience to answer all of your questions, be sensitive when talking, and actively listening to everything you say. If the trainer constantly interrupts you or starts staring off in another direction during your meeting, then keep searching.
These are just some of the major aspects you should consider when looking for a personal trainer. There are many more like: organization skills, costs, self-image and time management skills. Take your time and choose the best one for you. Don’t make a choice because of pressure or a lack of patience.